滯(old character form)stroke order滯 idiom

Stroke order animation of 滯(Style: A textbook type or Ming-style of penmanship)

Number of strokes and radical of 滯


How to read 滯 (sound reading, the Japanese reading)

Kanji to make how to read equivalence
タイ ダイ   テイ セイ とどこおる 

A qualification and other information

 Jinmeiyō kanji(name kanji)  Shinjitai(New form of a character):Shinjitai ot 滯

idiom and the example which 滯 is in

A idiom and phrase including the 滯
延滯  滯貨  淹滯  滯京  滯空  滯在  滯陣  滯積  滯船  遅滯  沈滯  停滯  留滯  滯欧  滯み  渋滯  滯む  凝滯  結滯  滯留  滯納  滯日  食滯  延滯金  延滯税  延滯料  停滯前線  遅滯遺伝  精神遅滯  受領遅滯  >滯 idioms more

滯:Various kanji designs

It is block style body / Gothic / semi-cursive style of writing / Ming-style of penmanship sequentially from the left
滯:Various kanji designs
滯:Category of the kanji