Stroke order of the [蚊]蚊の正しい書き方/動画
Stroke order animation of 蚊(Style: A textbook type or Ming-style of penmanship)
Number of strokes and radical of 蚊Strokes:10Radical:虫(むし,むしへん) How to read 蚊 (sound reading, the Japanese reading)かKanji to make how to read equivalence
A qualification and other information日本漢字能力検定準2級 Jōyō kanji. Name kanji. |
idiom and the example which 蚊 is in
朝蠅暮蚊(ちょうようぼぶん)A idiom and phrase including the 蚊
藪蚊 蚊雷 蚊帳 蚊虻 家蚊 蚊帳 蚊柱 蚊屋 揺蚊 蚊鉤 蚊絣 縞蚊 蚊針 糠蚊 大蚊 蚊帳 蚊火 蚊火屋 赤家蚊 赤斑蚊 蚊母鳥 翅斑蚊 幌蚊帳 蚊遣り 羽斑蚊 蚊母樹 蚊相撲 飛蚊症 蚊燻べ 蚊蜻蛉 >蚊 idioms more