Stroke order of the 殻. Right form animation

Stroke order animation of 殻(Style: A textbook type or Ming-style of penmanship)

Number of strokes and radical of 殻


How to read 殻 (sound reading, the Japanese reading)

Kanji to make how to read equivalence
カク から 

A qualification and other information

日本漢字能力検定準2級 Jōyō kanji. Name kanji.  The old style of 殻:

idiom and the example which 殻 is in

A idiom and phrase including the 殻
介殻  麻殻  咲殻  耳殻  煮殻  御殻  破殻  茶殻  地殻  籾殻  枳殻  文殻  脱殻  丹殻  卵殻  紅殻  炭殻  貝殻  割殻  閉殻  殻竿  燃殻  花殻  殻斗  殻麦  殻粉  殻汁  吸殻  苧殻  甲殻  >殻 idioms more

殻:Various kanji designs

It is block style body / Gothic / semi-cursive style of writing / Ming-style of penmanship sequentially from the left
殻:Various kanji designs
殻:Category of the kanji