Stroke order of the [暢]暢の正しい書き方/動画
Stroke order animation of 暢(Style: A textbook type or Ming-style of penmanship)
Number of strokes and radical of 暢Strokes:14Radical:日(ひ,にち,ひへん,にちへん) How to read 暢 (sound reading, the Japanese reading)チョウ、のびる、のぶ、のべるKanji to make how to read equivalence
チョウ のびる のぶ のべる
A qualification and other informationJinmeiyō kanji(name kanji) |
idiom and the example which 暢 is in
A idiom and phrase including the 暢
快暢 蔡暢 蔡暢 暢気 暢達 暢月 伸暢 明暢 流暢 宗義暢 佐藤暢 矢野暢 五島盛暢 大谷光暢 前田暢堂 野呂邦暢 蒔田暢斎 寺内暢三 阪倉宜暢 永嶋暢子 高幢竜暢 荒木暢夫 奥平昌暢 >暢 idioms more