Stroke order of the [鵜]鵜の正しい書き方/動画
Stroke order animation of 鵜(Style: A textbook type or Ming-style of penmanship)
Number of strokes and radical of 鵜Strokes:18Radical:鳥,鸟(とり,とりへん) How to read 鵜 (sound reading, the Japanese reading)テイ、ダイ、うKanji to make how to read equivalence
テイ ダイ う
A qualification and other informationJinmeiyō kanji(name kanji) |
idiom and the example which 鵜 is in
A idiom and phrase including the 鵜
荒鵜 鵜匠 鵜祭 鵜川 鵜縄 川鵜 河鵜 鵜舟 鵜呑み 鵜沢寿 鵜飼い 鵜山仁 鵜飼部 鵜崎多一 鵜飼節郎 鵜飼大俊 鵜飼技美 内田鵜洲 鵜飼玉川 鵜飼幸吉 鵜崎鷺城 鵜飼石斎 鵜飼錬斎 鵜の足貝 鵜飼信成 鵜戸神宮 鵜飼い火 鵜飼い舟 鵜松明樺 鵜高重三 >鵜 idioms more