Stroke order of the [宍]宍の正しい書き方/動画
Stroke order animation of 宍(Style: A textbook type or Ming-style of penmanship)
Number of strokes and radical of 宍Strokes:7Radical:宀(うかんむり) How to read 宍 (sound reading, the Japanese reading)ニク、ししKanji to make how to read equivalence
ニク しし
A qualification and other information |
idiom and the example which 宍 is in
A idiom and phrase including the 宍
宍色 宍戸錠 宍粟市 宍道湖 宍野半 宍戸親基 宍戸鉄舟 宍戸備前 宍戸睦郎 宍人永継 尾崎宍夫 宍戸司箭 宍戸家俊 宍戸家政 宍戸謙堂 宍戸左行 宍戸善兵衛 宍戸弥四郎 宍道政一郎 膂宍の空国 宍戸左馬之介 宍喰屋次郎右衛門 >宍 idioms more