Stroke order of the [畝]畝の正しい書き方/動画
Stroke order animation of 畝(Style: A textbook type or Ming-style of penmanship)
Number of strokes and radical of 畝Strokes:10Radical:田(た,たへん) How to read 畝 (sound reading, the Japanese reading)うねKanji to make how to read equivalence
A qualification and other information日本漢字能力検定準2級 Jōyō kanji. Name kanji. |
idiom and the example which 畝 is in
A idiom and phrase including the 畝
田畝 畝傍 畝帯 畝織 畝刺 畝雲 平畝 高畝 経畝織 竪畝織 畝傍山 畝立て 伊藤春畝 広瀬東畝 荒木月畝 畝村直久 西沢笛畝 池上秀畝 田中百畝 荒木寛畝 大田南畝 切り畝歩 畝目返し 畝引検見 杉原千畝 荒木十畝 渡辺晨畝 阿波野青畝 畝傍橿原宮 >畝 idioms more